The combined WorkGroup 2 and WorkGroup 3 workshop took place on June 13th and 14th at the University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia. The purpose of this workshop was to discuss the activities to be developed by the WG3 and to define the Manifesto for WP3 activities, covering from pre-stage to construction, operations and second life, to transform the building lifecycle in a regenerative way.
The opening was performed by the Leader of WG3, Giulia Peretti.
Martin Brown presented the conclusions and the outcomes of WG1, which are now available here: Sustainability: Restorative to Regenerative V3. Further, Emanuele Naboni presented the working approach of WP2.
Participants discussed the overall vision for the WP 3 (including priorities, outcomes, milestones and gap analysis between WP 1 and 2) in order to compile the common understand map (roadmap) of the group. In addition, participants joined one of the following 4 sub-groups launched in Budapest:
- 1 Pre-stage/bidding
- 2 Construction
- 3 Operation and maintenance
- 4 Second life
Each subgroup discussed the main outcomes and defined their strategy for the development of the State of the art Report and agreed their Action plan for the next months.
Finally, the results of the workshop were summarized and presented by the WG3 Leaders, Giulia Peretti and Carsten Druhmann, and the WG3 Manifesto was defined and approved.
In a separate session the CORE Group discussed the next steps and tasks, including the upcoming training schools and STSM call. In this sense, two Training Schools are taking place soon. The WG2 Training School will take place in October 2018 in Malaga, Spain and will focus on restorative design processes and tools. The WG3 Training School will take place in March 2019 in Bolzano, Italy, combined with the RESTORE Mid-term conference.
During the whole event many tweets were published under the official hashtag #RESTOREKoper.