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RESTORE READY Conference in Belgrade
April 9, 2021
Program and contents (timezone UTC+1):
- 10:00-10:10 Welcome and introduction to RESTORE | Tatjana Kosic, Jelena Brajkovic (University of Belgrade)
- 10:10-10:30 Restorative Sustainability | Martin Brown (Fairsnape, Lancashire – UK) / WG1
- 10:30-10:50 Restorative Design Process | Emanuele Naboni (KADK, Faculty of Architecture, Copenhagen – Denmark) / WG2
- 10:50-11:10 Restorative Building and Operations | Blerta Vula (University for Business and Technology, Pristina – Kosovo) / WG3
- 11:10-11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30-11:50 Rethinking Technology | Roberto Lollini (EURAC Research, Institute for Renewable Energy, Bolzano – Italy) / WG4
- 11:50-12:10 Scale jumping | Jelena Brajkovic (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture – Serbia) / WG5
- 12:10-13:30 Lunch break
- 13:30-13:50 SerbiaGBC and sustainable building projects in Serbia: An Overview | Martin Elezovic (Аssociation Serbia Green Building Council)
- 13:50-14:10 Living future green to improve the building environment. A case study in Serbia | Jovan Mitrovic (Аssociation Serbia Green Building Council)
- 14:10-14:30 Creating a resilient urban ecosystem using euPolis approach: starting with green roofs | Filip Stanic (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering)
- 14:30-14:50 Regenerative solutions for city development | Darko Sutanovac (Office of Belgrade city chief urban planner)
- 14:50-15:10 The Line park – Zone 8, Urban space transformation as a challenge for young talents | Ivana Korica, Una Korica (Аssociation Serbia Green Building Council)
- 15:10-15:30 Gap analisys discussion – how far the local situation is from the RESTORE goals and practices| Martin Elezovic, Jovan Mitrovic, Filip Stanic, Darko Sutanovac, Ivana Korica and Una Korica
- 15:30-15:50 RESTORE and beyond: materials for dissemination | Jelena Bleiziffer (Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
- 15:50-16:00 Closing remarks | Tatjana Kosic, Jelena Brajkovic (University of Belgrade)
Organisation: Eurac Research, Italy
Local Organiser: University of Belgrade (Innovation Center, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Architecture).
Contact persons: Tatjana Kosic, IC, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Jelena Brajkovic, Faculty of Architecture
Contacts and information:
- Ilaria Alberti, Eurac research, ilaria.alberti@eurac.edu
- Local organizer contacts: Tatjana Kosic tkosic@mas.bg.ac.rs Jelena Brajkovic jelena.brajkovic@arh.bg.ac.rs
Language: English (without simultaneous translation)
Date: 9 April 2021
Hours: 10-16
Location: Belgrade
Venue: Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73/I, Ceremonial Hall and online (upon registration)
Target group: architects, engineers, manufacturers, constructors, urban planners, academics, sustainability practitioners, researchers, policy makers, public officers, community managers.
Registration: free of charge, places are limited. Link to register: Register here for this event.
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